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projects manga romachu

Here are some manga I made to participate in some contests ( Shonen Jump, Angouleme) or personal manga.

  • Lilly and Ran ( 2006- 25 chapters )

  • Nicci -Video Game Horror ( 2017- 2 chapters) 

  • A strange friendship ( november 2019)

  • Children of nowhere ( december 2019)

  • The broken promise ( march 2020)

  • God Erased ( august 2020)

  • Hero Devil ( june 2021)

  • Last Hope ( february 2023 -in progress )

  • Summer of sunflowers ( may 2023)

  • Ants Brothers ( july 2024) 

  • Viking Girl ( august 2024)

  • Schizo ( coming soon)

Please click on the buttons to access the links in the end.
A strange friendship 1
A strange friendship 2
A strange friendship 3
Children of nowhere 1
Children of nowhere 2
Children of nowhere 3
The broken promise
The broken promise
The broken promise
God Erased
God Erased
God Erased
Hero Devil
Hero Devil
Hero Devil
in series- four chapters  in progress
Last Hope
Last Hope
Last Hope
Summer of sunflowers
Summer of sunflowers
Summer of sunflowers
ants brothers couverture.jpg
ants brothers p1 eng.jpg
ants brothers p2 eng.jpg
viking girl p 0 couverture.jpg
viking girl p 1 taille.jpg
viking girl p 2 taille.jpg

I participed in several contests, here is a list:

-2019 Contest Young Talents  Angoulême -46e Festival d'Angoulême 

-2020 International Comic/Manga Schools Contest - theme of "promise"

-2020 Jump Tezuka Manga Contest 100th Anniversary 

-2020 Magic International Manga Contest 

-2021 Kyoto International Manga Anime Award-Manga Contest

-2023 Mangaka Challenge- theme of "Summer Feeling"

-2024 The 18th Japan International MANGA Award

-2024 Kyoto International Manga Anime Award-Manga Contest

I traditionally draw with a plume G-pen and for colour covers, I draw digitally. 

                                     Check also the social media to read

Medibang in English — Mangadraft in French

For publishing houses, please contact me if you are interested in my manga projects.


work planche last hope.jpeg
work planche last hope 3.jpeg
last hope photo.JPG
work planche last hope 2.jpeg
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